

发表于 2009-6-21 20:00:21

测试平台  52hardware



火爆狂飙:天堂(burnout paradise)



火爆狂飙:天堂在各个平台上的表现都非常出色,Radeon HD 4870X2四路交火能够让这款游戏流畅运行在游戏设置highest、抗锯齿8X 2560*1600的分辨率下;测试中的每颗CPU都能保持在60FPS这一帧数级别上。不过不管默认还是超频这些CPU都没有能力使游戏超越2560*1600分辨率和开启8X AA的这一设置。虽说咱们得到了完全一致的游戏帧数,但很显然,其中两颗CPU,QX9650和酷睿I7 920获得的帧数更加平稳;尽管说游戏帧数表现上是同一级别的,但AMD Phenom II X3 720 BE在帧数上的浮动是最大的。 52hardware
Burnout Paradise
Burnout Paradise played very well on each system. The Radeon HD 4870 X2 CrossFireX configuration was able to push the game to 2560x1600 with 8X AA enabled and the highest in-game settings. Due to an FPS cap the game remained at this 60 FPS level for each CPU. None of the CPUs here allowed us to raise our playable settings beyond 8X AA at 2560x1600 at either default or overclocked frequencies. What we did find though is that some CPUs provided more consistent framerates in comparison. Notably, the two Intel CPUs, QX9650 and Core i7 920 allowed the smoothest framerates. The AMD Phenom II X3 720 BE had the most dips in framerate, though the game was still playable at the same levels as the other CPUs.
In this game, no CPU provided a real noticeable advantage in-game, and the experience for all intents and purposes, equal.

孤岛危机:弹头(Crysis: Warhead)




主频速度还是核心数量(Clock Speed or Multi-Core)
显而易见,在我们的测试中,主频与游戏关系最为密切,主频的角逐并未完结,提高你的主频就意味着游戏表现的改善。CPU频率仍然在游戏表现中扮演极其重大的角色。不要再让你的CPU处在低频率之下,这之中的差别可能就在于同样的1920*1200的分辨率下有没有能力开4X AA。是的,依靠CPU的主频的力量开启AA,已经在我们今天孤岛危机的游戏测试中有了展现。
Clock Speed or Multi-Core

Quite clearly, in our testing, the clock speed (frequency) mattered the most when gaming. The MHz battle is not over, as increasing your CPU clock speed WILL provide performance improvements. We found it quite important that clock frequency still plays a vital role in gameplay performance. Do not sell yourself short on the clock frequency. It can be the difference between running with No AA at 1920x1200 or 4X AA at 1920x1200 incredibly enough. Yes, CPU power can impact AA as we have shown here today in our Crysis gameplay.

If you are gaming anywhere under 3GHz, it is time to upgrade, especially if you are running a multi-GPU configuration. We find that 3.6GHz is a great place to be to achieve an enjoyable gameplay experience with fast video cards. All of today’s 3.6GHz overclocks were achieved with very little effort. All platforms were air cooled and it should be no stretch for an informed computer hardware enthusiast.

It is clear that multi-core CPUs aren’t of paramount importance to gaming just quite yet. Only in GTA4 are we possibly seeing a difference. It really is clock speed that matters the most. This isn’t to say that quad core CPUs aren’t useful for other things, but for gaming, clock speed is where it is at to achieve the best enjoyment from gaming, and to get the most out of your video card.

以上纯属老外的观点,些许观点本人并不赞同,翻译下来仅供网友参考 52hardware

[ 本帖最后由 albert2kiss 于 2009-6-21 22:06 编辑 ]
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发表于 2009-6-21 22:52:25
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发表于 2009-6-21 23:00:53
:a38: 老外的分析,还是相对来说专业一些;
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