INTEL调整LGA1366 酷睿i7 产品线 today restructured its high-end LGA1366 Core i7 processor lineup for the better. To begin with, it "released the Kraken" with Core i7-990X Extreme Edition, a new high-end six-core processor based on the 32 nm Westmere silicon. The 990X comes with an unlocked BClk multiplier, and carries nominal clock speed of 3.46 GHz. The Core i7-990X Extreme Edition displaces the existing i7-980X Extreme Edition from its US $999 price-point, which will be gradually phased out.
The non-XE Core i7-970 six-core chip received a welcome price-cut, it will soon be priced at $583 from its current $880. Apart from the six-core leviathans, the quad-core Core i7-960, which is clocked at 3.20 GHz, is now priced at $294, displacing i7-950, and providing an alternative to Core i7-2600K, which is effectively MIA till the LGA1155 chipset issue is resolved.
INTEL今天调整了其高端LGA1366酷睿i7产品线。首先,其发布了i7 990X 极致版,一个新的顶级六核处理器,基于32nm Westmere核心。990X采用未锁倍频,并且频率高达3.46GHz。i7 990X极致版取代了980X的999美元价位。
而i7 970六核将达到一个更好的价位,从目前的880美元降价到583美元。除了六核产品,四核、3.2GHz主频、目前售价294美元的i7 960将取代i7 950。
Intel 靠 这帮2000元以上的U捞了不少啊 ws1988 发表于 2011-2-15 00:18 static/image/common/back.gif
Intel 靠 这帮2000元以上的U捞了不少啊
这些高价品其实只是小众,捞不到多少钱的,INTEL的形象工程.....3K以内才是真正以盈利为目的的主流产品吧~~还有个大头是服务器的U 一个字,贵。 买不起.无视...
n年过后就像现在的图拉丁了 {:4_316:} 回复 kennyd 的帖子
经典。、。。 价格高的惊人啊 不过现在用用4核就够了