普通的音频CD格式,称为CD Digital Audio(CD数字音频),简称为CD-DA。这种格式的标准,俗称为“红皮书”,由飞利浦公司和索尼公司联合制定。“红皮书”规定了存放在CD中的音频数据是将原始音频采样编码而成。CD-DA音频使用44.1KHz的采样率,大约是人耳听觉上限频率的2倍。每个采样量化为16bits(2字节),而且是立体声采样。所以,每秒音频数据量为(44100*2*2 )176400字节。
Error Correction
In the CD format, one 8-bit data contains two error correction codes, C1 and C2.
For C1 correction, the code is created with 28-byte information and 4-byte C1 parity.
For C2 correction, the code is created with 24-byte information and 4-byte parity.
Both C1 and C2 are Reed Solomon codes with a minimum distance of 5.
The correction status can be monitored externally. See Table 3-2.
When the C2 pointer is high, the data in question was uncorrectable. Either the pre-value was held or an
average value interpolation was made for the data.