
标题: [求助] 怎么把u盘当内存啊?? [打印本页]

作者: qing8023    时间: 2006-7-21 15:52
标题: [求助] 怎么把u盘当内存啊??
作者: qiuyang1206    时间: 2006-7-21 15:56
作者: dengzhongping    时间: 2006-7-21 16:09
增加系统内存 (RAM) 通常是提高 PC 性能最好的方法。内存越多,在不访问硬盘驱动器的情况下可以运行的应用程序就越多。但是,升级内存并非总是那么容易。此时必须了解所需的内存类型,购买内存,并打开计算机安装内存,有时,这样做可能会使您的支持协议失效。此外,有些计算机已限制内存扩展功能,即使您希望增加 RAM 也无法实现。

Windows Vista 在为系统增加内存方面引入了一个新概念。可以使用 USB 闪存驱动器作为外部内存设备 (EMD),以在不打开机箱的情况下扩展系统内存并提高性能。计算机访问 EMD 设备中的内存的速度比访问硬盘驱动器上数据的速度要快得多,从而可以提高系统性能。该技术与“超级获取”技术结合使用,可以明显加快系统的响应速度。

EMD 技术既可靠又安全。您可以随时取下 EMD,不会丢失任何数据,也不会对系统造成负面影响;但是,如果取下 EMD,则性能将恢复到没有该设备时的水平。使用 USB 驱动器作为 EMD 时,USB 驱动器的磨损不是问题。独特的算法可以优化磨损方式,使 USB 设备即使重度使用,也可以作为 EMD 运行许多年。最后,为 EMD 上的数据加密,以帮助避免在取下该设备时,设备中的数据受到未经授权的访问。

Windows ReadyBoost
Adding system memory (RAM) is often the best way to improve your PC's performance. More memory means applications can run without needing to access the hard drive. However, upgrading memory is not always easy. You need to know what type of memory you need, purchase the memory, and open your computer to install the memory—which sometimes can invalidate your support agreement. Also, some machines have limited memory expansion capabilities, preventing you from adding RAM even if you are willing to do so.

Windows Vista introduces a new concept in adding memory to a system. Windows ReadyBoost lets users use a removable flash memory device, such as a USB thumb drive, to improve system performance without opening the box. Windows ReadyBoost can improve system performance because it can retrieve data kept on the flash memory more quickly than it can retrieve data kept on the hard disk, decreasing the time you need to wait for your PC to respond. Combined with SuperFetch technology, this can help drive impressive improvements in system responsiveness.

Windows ReadyBoost technology is reliable and provides protection of the data stored on your device. You can remove the memory device at any time without any loss of data or negative impact to the system; however, if you remove the device, your performance returns to the level you experienced without the device. Additionally, data on the removable memory device is encrypted to help prevent inappropriate access to data when the device is removed.
作者: lilaowang    时间: 2006-7-21 16:12

Q: What perf do you need on your device?
A: 2.5MB/sec throughput for 4K random reads and 1.75MB/sec throughput for 512K random writes

Q: My device says 12MB/sec (or 133x or something else) on the package but windows says that it isn't fast enough to use as a ReadyBoost device... why?
A: Two possible reasons:
The numbers measure sequential performance and we measure random. We've seen devices that have great sequential perf, but horrible random
The performance isn't consistantly fast across the entire device. Some devices have 128M of lightning fast flash and the rest of the device is really slow. This is fine for some applications but not ReadyBoost.

Q: What's the largest amount of flash that I can use for ReadyBoost?
A: You can use up to 4GB of flash for ReadyBoost (which turns out to be 8GB of cache w/ the compression)

Q: Why can't I use more than 4GB of flash?
A: The FAT32 filesystem limits our ReadyBoost.sfcache file to 4GB

Q: What's the smallest ReadyBoost cache that I can use
A: The smallest cache is 256MB (well, 250 after formatting). Post beta2, we may drop it another 10 MB or so.

Q: Ok... 256M-4GB is a pretty big range... any recommendations?
A: Yes. We recommend a 1:1 ratio of flash to system memory at the low end and as high as 2.5:1 flash to system memory. Higher than that and you won't see much benefit.

Q: Isn't this just putting the paging file onto a flash disk?
A: Not really - the file is still backed on disk. This is a cache - if the data is not found in the ReadyBoost cache, we fall back to the HDD.

Q: Aren't Hard Disks faster than flash? My HDD has 80MB/sec throughput.
A: Hard drives are great for large sequential I/O. For those situations, ReadyBoost gets out of the way. We concentrate on improving the performance of small, random I/Os, like paging to and from disk.

Q: What happens when you remove the drive?
A: When a surprise remove event occurs and we can't find the drive, we fall back to disk. Again, all pages on the device are backed by a page on disk. No exceptions. This isn't a separate page file store, but rather a cache to speed up access to frequently used data.

Q: Isn't user data on a removable device a security risk?
A: This was one of our first concerns and to mitigate this risk, we use AES-128 to encrypt everything that we write to the device.

Q: Won't this wear out the drive?
A: Nope. We're aware of the lifecycle issues with flash drives and are smart about how and when we do our writes to the device. Our research shows that we will get at least 10+ years out of flash devices that we support.

Q: Can use use multiple devices for EMDs?
A: Nope. We've limited Vista to one ReadyBoost per machine

Q: Why just one device?
A: Time and quality. Since this is the first revision of the feature, we decided to focus on making the single device exceptional, without the difficulties of managing multiple caches. We like the idea, though, and it's under consideration for future versions.

Q: Do you support SD/CF/memory stick/MMC/etc.?
A: Mostly. In beta2, we added support for a small number of SD/CF cards on internal USB2 & PCIe busses. RC1 has a much broader support range.

Q: Why don't you support SD on my USB2.0 external card reader?
A: We unfortunately don't support external card readers - there were some technical hurdles that we didn't have time to address. In general, if a card reader shows a drive without media in it (like a floppy drive or CD ROM does), we can't use it for ReadyBoost.

Q: Will it support all USB drives, regardless of how they are ID'd to the OS ("hard disk drive" or "Device with Removable Storage")?
A: We have no way to tell what is on the other end of a USB cable so we do some basic size checks (since no one has a 200GB flash device ;-) ) and then perform our speed tests. HDD will not, however, pass our speed tests, and there is no benefit to using a USB HDD for ReadyBoost.

Q: Can you use an mp3 player to speed up your system?
A: Not currently. MP3 players use the 'plays for sure' interfaces to expose themselves to Windows. We require that the device appear as a disk volume. These aren't currently compatible.

Q: How much of a speed increase are we talking about?
A: Well, that depends. On average, a RANDOM 4K read from flash is about 10x faster than from HDD. Now, how does that translate to end-user perf? Under memory pressure and heavy disk activity, the system is much more responsive; on a 4GB machine with few applications running, the ReadyBoost effect is much less noticable.

Q: I can't get my device to work with ReadyBoost... can I lower the perf requirements?
A: Unfortunately, no. We've set the perf requirements to the lowest possible throughput that still makes your system faster. If we lowered the perf requirements, then there wouldn't be a noticeable benefit to using ReadyBoost. Remember, we're not adding memory, we're improving disk access.

Q: Which manufacturers support ReadyBoost?
A: Well, I hope that all of them do, eventually. Right now, we're working with manufacturers to create a program that will allow them to identify ReadyBoost capable devices on their packaging.
作者: wwwnew01    时间: 2006-7-21 16:17
作者: smxywubx    时间: 2006-7-21 16:19
原帖由 第九艺术 于 2006-7-21 16:17 发表
作者: xjgwin    时间: 2006-7-21 16:25
作者: diaobayin    时间: 2006-7-21 16:35
原帖由 zhoukb 于 2006-7-21 16:19 发表


作者: zwy909    时间: 2006-7-21 16:35
作者: dyn613    时间: 2006-7-21 17:40
原帖由 wangchunboss 于 2006-7-21 16:35 发表


作者: lanfen    时间: 2006-7-21 18:57
买条内存  实在的多
作者: 67624588    时间: 2006-7-21 19:01
原帖由 wangchunboss 于 2006-7-21 16:35 发表


恩, 没错!
作者: iamjackyboy    时间: 2006-7-21 19:04
原帖由 zhoukb 于 2006-7-21 17:40 发表

作者: cheng206    时间: 2006-7-21 19:04
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: fghp2    时间: 2006-7-21 19:36
原帖由 wangchunboss 于 2006-7-21 19:04 发表


增加系统内存 (RAM) 通常是提高 PC 性能最好的方法。内存越多,在不访问硬盘驱动器的情况下可以运行的应用程序就越多。但是,升级内存并非总是那么容易。此时必须了解所需的内存类型,购买内存,并打开计算机安装内存,有时,这样做可能会使您的支持协议失效。此外,有些计算机已限制内存扩展功能,即使您希望增加 RAM 也无法实现。

Windows Vista 在为系统增加内存方面引入了一个新概念。可以使用 USB 闪存驱动器作为外部内存设备 (EMD),以在不打开机箱的情况下扩展系统内存并提高性能。计算机访问 EMD 设备中的内存的速度比访问硬盘驱动器上数据的速度要快得多,从而可以提高系统性能。该技术与“超级获取”技术结合使用,可以明显加快系统的响应速度。

EMD 技术既可靠又安全。您可以随时取下 EMD,不会丢失任何数据,也不会对系统造成负面影响;但是,如果取下 EMD,则性能将恢复到没有该设备时的水平。使用 USB 驱动器作为 EMD 时,USB 驱动器的磨损不是问题。独特的算法可以优化磨损方式,使 USB 设备即使重度使用,也可以作为 EMD 运行许多年。最后,为 EMD 上的数据加密,以帮助避免在取下该设备时,设备中的数据受到未经授权的访问。

“混合硬盘驱动器”是一种新型的硬盘驱动器,具有集成的非易失性闪存缓冲区。如果您的计算机配备了混合硬盘驱动器,则 Windows Vista 会利用此硬件来加快启动、休眠和重新使用的速度。“混合硬盘驱动器”技术还可以提高系统可靠性并延长电池的使用时间。

混合驱动器适用于运行 Windows Vista 的移动 PC。数据将写入到闪存中,这样可以减少机械硬盘驱动器的工作,从而节省电池电能。因为从闪存恢复数据比从机械硬盘驱动器恢复数据更快,所以,混合驱动器有助于 Windows Vista 更快地从“睡眠”状态恢复使用。如果配备了混合硬盘驱动器,由于处于“睡眠”状态时机械硬盘驱动器不工作,所以在处于移动状态时,可以降低硬盘驱动器出现硬件问题的风险。Windows Vista 利用混合硬盘驱动器延长电池的使用时间,更快地从休眠状态恢复使用,并提高可靠性。
作者: duxuan    时间: 2006-7-21 20:34
作者: pan456789    时间: 2006-7-21 20:35
作者: xdzx    时间: 2006-7-21 20:39
为什么  讨论   的时候要加上  诸如 不要自以为是了、弱智、火星人......等等词语,说这样话的人,貌似自己就是这样!


....计算机访问 EMD 设备中的内存的速度比访问硬盘驱动器上数据的速度要快得多....



可是 问题没有这么简单,大缓存的设计需要硬件,软件支持,执行效能也是工程师一直头疼的!

不过未来的  闪存 或许性能强悍,容量也不是问题,毕竟vista这么多年的研发应该会很实际,而此时,LZ的U盘当内存,意思大吗?更何况vista处于beta阶段!
作者: klwpwqy    时间: 2006-7-21 22:38




Q: Aren't Hard Disks faster than flash? My HDD has 80MB/sec throughput.
A: Hard drives are great for large sequential I/O. For those situations, ReadyBoost gets out of the way. We concentrate on improving the performance of small, random I/Os, like paging to and from disk.
作者: 4372662    时间: 2006-7-24 22:39
目前有两种方法, 你的主板有Robson模块吗?
1. 混合硬盘, Samsung和微软合作的Hybird项目, 在现有硬盘采用新的高速闪存代替随机存储.
2. Intel提出的在主板加入Robson闪存加速模块, 采用多NAND芯片并行方法提高速度.
作者: xhyayq    时间: 2006-7-24 22:57
技术归技术、应用归应用 ,但最终还是取决于你的银子。呵呵
作者: dvdzol    时间: 2006-7-24 23:32
作者: 984259678    时间: 2011-3-2 19:04

作者: mjsong    时间: 2011-3-2 23:58

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