
英文名称:Hidden Expedition: Titanic
制作厂商:Focus Multimedia
游戏发行:Big Fish Games, Inc.
游戏类型:Puzzle 益智解谜
游戏容量:1CD 04X15MB
Hidden Expedition: Titanic 秘密探险:泰坦尼克。1912年4月14号,巨大的客轮泰坦尼克号撞到了冰山上并且在几小时之内就沉入了大西洋海底。作为 Hidden Expedition Adventure League 的一名成员,你的任务是探索这艘曾经雄伟的客轮的残骸同时搜集古老的时尚女性手工制品。在14次潜水任务当中你将会清理客轮的17个位置,同时注意隐藏的可以引导你获得手工制品-王冠宝石-的巧妙线索。准备好了沉浸于这次大规模大面积的历史性探险活动了吗!
* 操作系统: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
* 处理器: 600 Mhz
* 内存: 128 MB
* DirectX: 6.0
* 硬盘空间: 33 MB
On April 14, 1912, the great steamship RMS Titanic struck an iceberg and within hours it sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. As part of the Hidden Expedition Adventure League, it`s your job to explore the wreckage of this once-majestic ship and collect antique artifacts for the Titanic Museum. Through 14 diving missions you will scour 17 locations on the ship for cleverly-hidden clues that will lead you to the ultimate artifact: The Crown Jewels. Get ready to lose yourself in a historic adventure of epic proportions!
* An underwater scavenger hunt aboard the Titanic
* Hundreds of items to find
* 14 mini-games
* The expedition continues with
System Requirements:
* OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista
* CPU: 600 Mhz
* RAM: 128 MB
* DirectX: 6.0
* Hard Drive: 33 MB
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